Forums - Rate my Team: Anakaris, Doctor Doom, Storm Show all 33 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Rate my Team: Anakaris, Doctor Doom, Storm ( Posted by TheMummy on 07:19:2001 11:54 AM: Rate my Team: Anakaris, Doctor Doom, Storm Rate my team: Anakaris, Doctor Doom, Storm. If ever, give some stratz. Posted by angelassassin on 07:19:2001 04:11 PM: anakaris... i am also an anakaris player. i think that team rocks...granted you have no infinite(other than the one without assists) "true" anti-air but the team still rocks. storms assist could be used to set up some sick combos...or get a semi-free hit. Doom is good for stopping rushdown (IMO rushdown is anakaris weakness) i dont walk with anakaris. i try not to regular jump. my anakaris game plan is to throw in a couple of random coffins ( on average i throw about 7-10 coffins in a match) and try to get in a ground combo every once in a while. i can be a monkey sometimes. i think you could replace doom with cammy or blackheart.... let me know if ya what ya think!? it would be nice if ya told me the assists and stuff like that. Moewchi Posted by mr_d on 07:19:2001 04:50 PM: Hmmm.... I mess around with anakaris a lot. But I think he needs a descent anti-air. You might wanna try Cyclops. Hes a battery also so you might wanna put him first and then someone who needs meter. Like Cable. So try this team Anakaris/Cable/Cyclops. It kinda changes your team but it could help. Anakaris can be a bitch. Just rain down coffins(d,d p or k) Hell it works. If they have a good anti-air, this stratedgy doesn't exactly help. But his airdash is fuc**** fast so take advantage of it. Escape Blackhearts anti-air. With Cable I got a trick but nothing great. Have anakaris on throw. Jumpin with Cable with rk dash in lk+anakaris asssist, lk, assist hits AHVB when the opponent is thrown. Hell it's a free AHVB even if their blocking so why the hell not. Well latez. I guess Storm works in well too. Aight latez. Posted by kajin on 07:19:2001 05:39 PM: SUCKS(sorry man)i dont like dr.doom Posted by ranmasama on 07:21:2001 02:24 AM: You could switch around doom and storm. So it would be Anakaris/storm/doom. Storm/doom sounds better than doom/storm. Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 07:21:2001 03:18 AM: actually thats a good team but then again Doom/storm itself is a good team just ask viscant and have the order doom/storm because you want doom to do air combo into super ray then into storm hailstorm to do major damage just like Viscant does ALL the TIME. Posted by waldo98 on 07:21:2001 03:18 AM: If you know how to use Anakaris really good, then you have one decent team. People rarely use Anakaris, so that is to your advantage. Having a decent Doom and Storm helps, but having a good Anakaris will shock your opponents. You can even just have Anakaris build all your meter for Storm and Doom and that would be good also. Posted by Deepthroat on 07:21:2001 03:59 AM: Not to degrade you or anything fellow Pinoy But unless your Anak can kill hordes of Mags, Cammys, Cables, Sentinel Then your only promblem is probably speed i see why you put storm. Heres a sick easy combo for DOOM Jump in LK,LK,LP,LP, (1hiT BEAM THING)XX that ball super. Its really sick and flashy. You would see it on the MIKE Z video 7 Posted by TheMummy on 07:21:2001 11:49 AM: I used to start Anakaris in this team Anak/Doom/Storm. After the fight signal, i frequently use c.HK, and its pretty effective to all my opponents in any tournament! Then after that i ran forward to him and when he gets up, I will use my Anakaris Rushdown Trick!! Very Effective!!! It's because they're not familiar with Anakaris' moves. When I start up with Dr. Doom, and suddenly made an air combo then do a super photon array, i always chain it with Anakaris' Elemental Curse Super(The Super that Drops the Biggest Coffin). Then OTG, -> make a simple combo and do an ASP RUSH! Almost whole life is consumed!!! Using Dr. Doom, Jumping w/ HP together with Storm's Variety Type Assist is very annoying. They can't escape, and when Dr. Doom does a s. jump and make photon array, they wouldn't still be able to kill Dr. Doom even a AHVB because there is still Storm's Gamma type assist that hits them. Very effective!! What do you think??? Posted by dbtrunks01 on 07:21:2001 01:28 PM: it's a pretty good team Posted by Deepthroat on 07:21:2001 03:54 PM: Pretty Good Grasshopper Posted by Gilliam on 07:21:2001 04:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by TheMummy I used to start Anakaris in this team Anak/Doom/Storm. After the fight signal, i frequently use c.HK, and its pretty effective to all my opponents in any tournament! Then after that i ran forward to him and when he gets up, I will use my Anakaris Rushdown Trick!! Very Effective!!! It's because they're not familiar with Anakaris' moves. When I start up with Dr. Doom, and suddenly made an air combo then do a super photon array, i always chain it with Anakaris' Elemental Curse Super(The Super that Drops the Biggest Coffin). Then OTG, -> make a simple combo and do an ASP RUSH! Almost whole life is consumed!!! Using Dr. Doom, Jumping w/ HP together with Storm's Variety Type Assist is very annoying. They can't escape, and when Dr. Doom does a s. jump and make photon array, they wouldn't still be able to kill Dr. Doom even a AHVB because there is still Storm's Gamma type assist that hits them. Very effective!! What do you think??? Seems pretty good to me. Posted by Huma on 07:21:2001 07:31 PM: you can do elemental curse? much respect... that thing is such a dirty whore to get off... well, at least for begginers like me Posted by Sepehr on 07:22:2001 03:22 AM: Re: Rate my Team: Anakaris, Doctor Doom, Storm quote: Originally posted by TheMummy Rate my team: Anakaris, Doctor Doom, Storm. If ever, give some stratz. it is always good to hear that there are others who use characters except cable, Bh, sent, Mag, and such. ImO you have a really good team except a few problems that can be fixed. First of all i never Anakaris first because i would like to take advantage of his beta assist which can be really annoying to people. A good anti air assist with him can be better. Anakaris is a good character, his has good combos, confusing moves, his punches and kicks extend which make is good for confusion and such. Against beam teams he might have some trouble but with a good assist this is not a huge problem. His life is a little short. I think anakaris's beta assist is one of the best assists in the game. Putting doom first would probably be a good idea. I can not undrestand why you have storm over there though. I personaly use BH, anakaris, AAA, most likely Son Son's anti air. Doom can take advantage of anakaris's assist which is why i suggest you put him first. I suggest you change storm with a good AAA though. Storm's assist can go well with doom, i sometimes do the samething with him but a good rushdown team will bring you down big time. BH, Anakaris, son son is the best team for him IMO. other teams are also good. over all good team. it is good to hear people talking about anakaris and other minor characters. Posted by Mutex42 on 07:22:2001 09:27 AM: Sorry about the disorderly nature of the post, but I was just writing what I was thinking and jump around a lot. I've always been an Anakaris user, but just recently started using him seriously again. The greatest thing about using him well is the respect you get from it. Every single person I've beat down with him gives props for it. I have never played against another Anakaris user though, ever. I'd like to see more people play him so I can tune up my game with him. I don't expect streaks when I play an Anakaris team, but I actually managed a 9 win streak with him against some of our best regulars today. I was pretty surprised. Anyhow, my Anakaris teams ALWAYS include Doom. I think he's essential to playing him well. Without Doom on the team, I lose a lot of important strategies. Strategically dropping Doom is the only way to stay all over an opponent. Mix up your chains with him. If they're not good at playing against Anakaris, you can always hit someone with the jab, jab, fierce, pause, idle hands. They get the hang of getting around that though, so you start to mix it up. If you think they're expecting an idle hands at the end, dash in and drop Doom instead and continue with FP->snake twice for constant pressure. If they're not blocking the jabs, finish the chain with FP->snake. I use that 2 hitter all over the place throughout my matches. Does great damager for a move that comes out with no warning like that. I can play a pretty good ground game just baded on Nak's reach with Doom pressure. You must always be looking for an idle hands opening though. I don't care what else is going on on the screen at the time, if your opponent is stading there and you won't get hit within like three frames, grab him. Invincibility for you from whatever might have been floating around the screen, crazy meter, and a good chunk of damage. Do not miss out on his anti-air opportunities. Anakaris has, vertical wise anyway, one of the best launchers in the game. If someone's jumping in on me, I'm usually going to call Doom just in case they just block and go for the launcher. The lag on the launcher's so bad though, that without Doom to cover you, you'd get smashed. Then doom covers while you get back into rushdown position. I don't take to the air very often with Anakaris, but I'm started making really good use of the coffins lately. I'll use them on the ground just as much though. It really depends on the characters I'm facing. I got one guy here who's the best blackheart I've ever seen, always plays him on point, to have to change his team order around on me after realizing how much Anakaris owns Blackheart. Blackheart doesn't do much on the ground, but he's always doing something in the air. When he gets into that air, I'm sure to meet him with a coffin. If I block a HOD, I stay on the ground and throw a coffin right above him, because every Blackheart in the world instinctually leaps into the air after that to restart his air dominance. If you can meet him in the air, idle hands is your best friend. Coffins when he's above or below you, but idle hands when you're around the same level. He'll practically jump right into them for you. I thought it must have been some weird fluke the first time I caught someone in it, becasue I rarely ever catch anyone else with idle hands in the air, but it works, and it works well. Doesn't matter what his assists are, Anakaris owns Blackheart. Make sure you make good use of his anti-air launcher. It stuffs soooo much stuff, but you have to be covered with an assist (Doom) when you do it, because otherwise you're about to lose your whole character if they just block it on the way down. With Doom, your're in charge regardless of what they do once they jump at you. If the launcher connects, I always just do jab, short->short snake, ..., idle hands, as I still can't seem to connect the second snake->idle hands that I've seen in like the B5 trailer. People don't expect it a lot of the time though, so you should be expecting the launch to work. The main thing Anakaris has going for him is that people always underestimate him. They underestimate him in general until I beat them down a couple of times and then they'll play more cautiously against him, so you just move to stage two, where your Anakaris expects idle hands not to work in combos. Then you'll move to stage three where they jump in but then realize they shouldn't be anywhere near you because you're gonna launch them well before their attack will touch you. In all of these stages, Doom is the answer to your problems. You just keep rushing them down while they're trying to play more cautiously, and now you've got them thinking like they're playing against a keepaway character that'll rush you down in a second. You freeze up for a second, they'll grab you from across the screen, you try to rush and you'll either get launched or Doom in your face. Try to play keep away and you'll start throwing more coffins into your mix, but that FP->FP Snake can punish them just as well from half the screen away. The only mentality people can really take to win well against Anakaris is to understand everything he's got going for him, know his throw ranges and not stay in them, and realize that he takes damage like a little bitch. They figured out pretty quickly that Juggs was a good assist to have when I wanna play Nak like I play Dhalsim, as it takes like 20% of his life when you throw out a limb, so be careful about assists like that if you wanna play a Dhalsim style ground game. I never stay up in the air and throw coffins all day, but a couple of them never hurt, and I'm always prompted to go up there to get around something else (eg: ground projectile attack, I'll sj and throw a quick RH coffin). What you do in the air depends on whether or not you hit your opponent with a coffin, where they are on the screen, etc.. If you hit them with the first one, drop a second one of the same button because they will block it. They always try to go in on the third coffin, after their break on the second one, so you throw one closer (button used depends on the speed of the character). If they're slow, use a SK coffin, if they're fast use a FP coffin. After that, the best (usuallly best anyway, you can't judge everyone) distance branches out depending on what happened at each of those points, which you can figure out depending on your opponent. They almost always go for another break if they get hit, so make sure the next one's right above their head. If they block it, and it's a fast character, cancel because they're too close now, so drop down and prepare for their attack by meeting them with Doom. For a slow character, drop at either one level ahead or at the same level. That's just a few of my impressions anyway. I'll post more later if people are actually interested. My team today was Anakaris/Magneto/Doom. Each of them did about equal damage on the team. That's the real beauty of it. It's prepared for a ton of different people. Lose your Anakaris (and you almost always will) and then it's time to rush with Mags. Doom assist confuses people quite a bit when used with Magneto, but there's actually lots of combo opportunities off of it. Doom's just Doom, and he can handle most people well that were able to get rid of the first two. They should be low enough on health to just chip the remainder off, and you'll probably have a ton of supers left for him do it with. The main problem with this team is having Doom as the primary AA, but I think the Doom plus Anakaris crouching FP works well enough. This team can control all the space in the match. Your opponent should be where you want them at all times. The second problem with the team is lack of many good, reliable DHCs. There's a few really cool ones, but they tend not to work all the time. They'll at least get a character in safely though. The team works well together on the field though, as I've already explained with Nak and Doom. If you can get Nak out of there before he dies (it's usually pretty sudden since he'll sometimes go from tons of health to nothing in seconds), he does wonders with Magneto on point. You can combo a crouching short->crouching roundhouse->hyper grav off of Nak's throw assist really easily. Doom helps him a good bit too, but in a different sort of way. Nak's throw assist helps Doom on point too, as I'll combo the throw into crouch short, launch, standard combo, but if my Doom actually manages to make it on point, the rest of my team is mostly dead already. Doom can handle himself on the field anyway. Okay, hope that gave you guys some ideas for using the most difficult character to use effectively in the game (imho). Oh, and how do you beat Cable? Get the hell out of there. Get Mags in there because Nak doesn't stand a chance. I don't care what you heard, I don't care who you play against, Anakaris stands no chance against a Cable of moderate skill on point. All of the strategies I know fail miserably against Cable. And if you screw up for even a split second, screw AHVBx3, he's almost dead after the first one. Okay, I'm out now. Posted by Orochi Setzuna on 07:22:2001 09:38 AM: Shit....Anakaris always looked interesting to me but never tried him. Anyone care show post some strategies for beginner Anakaris players? Posted by Sepehr on 07:22:2001 02:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mutex42 Okay, hope that gave you guys some ideas for using the most difficult character to use effectively in the game (imho). Oh, and how do you beat Cable? Get the hell out of there. Get Mags in there because Nak doesn't stand a chance. I don't care what you heard, I don't care who you play against, Anakaris stands no chance against a Cable of moderate skill on point. All of the strategies I know fail miserably against Cable. And if you screw up for even a split second, screw AHVBx3, he's almost dead after the first one. Okay, I'm out now. it is just not cable my friend. Beam characters creat some trouble for Anakaris. Cable, Iceman, Cyc and ... that is why i mentioned not to play anakaris first. But him second and pick some character on point who can take advatage of his beta assist. Anakaris can go well with doom, bh, and some good anti airs. i prefer son son or capcom. BH on point with anakaris's beta assist and Son Son's anti air can crush cable IMO. the best strategy that i use is that i play a mind game against him. When i jump with blackheart if cable or anyother character is standing i bring Anakaris's beta assist in or if they jump bring in Son Son's assist. Posted by Huma on 07:22:2001 03:50 PM: wow mutex42... thats alot of words... nice work in my case though, i use him second for his 2 assists.. i love the throw assist... but it gets pretty easy to avoid after a while... so i switch to coffin drop to help my point man/battery. and instead of doing lp, lp, lp idle hands. ive been doing a lp, lk, lp, lk, fk, fp idle hands. the fk coffin strike thing knocks them the perfect distance into an idle hands... very nice damage considering its just a ground chain. Posted by angelassassin on 07:22:2001 07:40 PM: good lord mute! thats impressive. i am also an anakaris player but i never used him with doom like that. i almost always use anakaris/cammy/bh. there is no trap with that team. i just put anakaris on point and rain coffins on them....thats if they dont have an AAA or super that can knock me outta the sky. i tend to go aireal with him. if i'm lucky and i get popped above the screen an they cant hit me with anything(very rare) then if i'm wining i'l throw about 30-50 coffins and win the match. i try to nail a couple of ground chains woth anakaris every once in a blue. bh aaa is my main assist. it works wonders if i get the coffin distance wrong... what more can i say? anakairs is a great character...i just gotta chance a couple of things. Posted by Ryoku on 07:22:2001 08:55 PM: doom and storm our good but I would remove Anakaris Posted by Kamesama on 07:22:2001 10:42 PM: Your team is pretty good, but try to add more finese. Try Anakaris, Ironman, and Storm. If you do try this group, pick Ironman's projectile type. It would be very useful because the beam has excellent range. Posted by Mutex42 on 07:22:2001 11:06 PM: Yeah, all beam characters can give Anakaris a bit of trouble, but Cable's just exponentially more difficult to beat than the others. The threat of AHVB against him is extremely great because so much of his game's on the ground. If you try rain one too many coffins in the air, or any on the ground, you're dead. Miss an idle hands, you're dead. Do the snake arm move, you're dead. And so on. He just has no real safe way to play against him, but the other beam characters can all be played against without losing all of your strategies. If I'm up against Cable, Magneto, Strider or another character I think will give me too much trouble, I'll put my second character first, usually Magneto or Storm. I feel I can handle most everyone else acceptably well. The main reason I play him first against almost everyone is an illogical one if you've got an "I must win every match I play" mentality (which you definitely shouldn't have if you're playing Anakaris), that I just want to play Anakaris more than I want to play the other characters so I want to deal as much damage with him as I can before I move on to my backup. That's why it's an Anakaris team, because I want to play with him. He does have a couple characters that are just too good against him though, so I'll switch him if I'm fighting one of them. If it's Anakaris/Mags/Doom, Magneto can make good use of Anakaris's assist, but Magneto doesn't really have an assist to help Anakaris all that well, so it works great to switch them, but it changes the team into a Magneto team instead, and if I'm gonna play a team where I'm hoping to do my damage with Magneto, I'll pick other characters to go with him. The second character in any of my Anakaris teams has to be a character you can play great on point, because every now and then you will make a mistake that will cost you your whole Anakaris. One good combo and he needs to be switched out. Two simple combos and he's dead. He just takes damage too poorly for me to have two characters on there to back him up instead of having one character replace him on point when he's gone and one to back them both up. Ideally, Anakaris/Doom would handle the whole match, but it's not usually going to work that way. That's just my way of looking at it though. Some people would tell you that you have to have Cyclops on the team for their infinite, but I prefer respect to hitting someone with a single AA assist once to win the game. About the standing jab, short, jab, short, back+RH, idle hands vs. crouching jab, crouching jab, standing fierce->snake or idle hands, I use the latter for two reasons. My way does a little less damage, but more importantly, how often is it a smart idea to dash in with a standing jab when you're not absolutely certain you're gonna hit? I'd prefer to use a crouching attack to start the chain when I'm gonna rush in there. Secondly, it's a lot easier to screw up the first one. I used to use it every now and then, but sometimes forgot about the fact that standing back+short breaks the combo and he does that delayed kick move instead, landing you a total of one jab instead of the full combo. It's not lp, lp, idle hands(which does work of course, but there's no point in doing it), it's crouching lp, crouching lp (hits twice), standing fierce->snake or idle hands. You have to mix that up. Even people who know how to play my Anakaris can be caught by the idle hands at the end if you change your delay on it each time so they think they're safe. Leave it out completely sometimes, do the snake sometimes, but if you do the same thing each time, they're just gonna duck it and you won't get it off. Posted by Huma on 07:23:2001 03:56 AM: i see your point, but i guess it just all comes down to preference. i dont usually screw it up and you can always start with a crouching jab into the 5 hits if its your perogative. i got a question though. idle hands seems to knock them kinda high. i tried to pull off the snake hyper combo but it wouldnt come out... is following up and idle hands impossible? ...or do i just suck? Posted by Mutex42 on 07:23:2001 04:21 AM: After a midscreen idle hands, you can't do much of anything. The best thing about being in the corner with Anakaris, however, is that when you idle hands them, throwing them into the corner, you follow it up with a crouching FP into combo. I always just do idle hands, crouching FP, sj. jab, sj. short->snake super which does insane damage. If you're not the one in the corner though, I'm not aware of any way you can follow up an idle hands. Posted by ex_fuk on 07:23:2001 04:48 AM: Does Nak build meter? I don't think using him first is such a hot idea, either way. He just dies too fast. Posted by Huma on 07:23:2001 07:29 PM: yeah, i kinda figured that... but when they fly away it just looks like they want to be juggled. ah well. ankaris isnt so much a "battery", but he doesnt need meter to do very well, and has such an unorthodox way of fighting that you can really screw with people... idle hands is probably his best move. an unblockable throw that can be dont half the screen away. It can be connected as a reaction move to avoid THC's assist, or anything else coming your way... if you use this move well you can really screw with the opposition. anyway, if using anakaris first... i usually end up with 3+ levels by the time he's gone... not perfect, but it works. Posted by unknown shadow on 07:24:2001 01:57 AM: Rate my Team: Anakaris, Doctor Doom, Storm that team plays good keep away and rush down Posted by mr_d on 07:24:2001 03:40 AM: Anakaris can be played as a battery. His coffins can build meter. I noticed that he's not a bad rushdown stopper either. I'm not sure but I think his coffins stop a hypergrav if they hit it. You have to watch out for em disrupters from magnus though. Cable...what's the point. Don't forget though his airdash is like freaking fast!!!!!!!!! It's really useful to. If ur fighting a magnus and it dashes past the tactic of superjumping coffins just airdash and when ur at a good distance cancel the airdash into a rk coffin. This isn't a perfectly safe stratedgy but it's suprising cause his dash come's fast. But I'm serious a good anti-air helps him out. Like Cyclops or someone. aight latez. Posted by Huma on 07:24:2001 04:34 AM: ive pulled cable out of a AHVB as he was trying to punish one of my assists. you can easily grab mag during an em disruptor... cable is tough and very risky.. but it can be done.. idle hands is the work of the devil Posted by Mutex42 on 07:24:2001 07:25 AM: Yeah, idle hands works amazingly well for pulling people out of supers that have any startup time on them. Iron Man, Storm, Omega Red, etc., shouldn't be able to hit you a super the whole time you're out there. If they start one up you just dash and immediately cancel it into idle hands. If you're a little closer than full screen, I'll usually do standing FP->FP Snake though, but you can possibly catch them after the FP too. His FP is as useful as Dhalsim's standing roundhouse for knocking people out of stuff. Takes just a few more frames, but it's close enough to instant to knock people out of anything from across the screen. About Anakaris as a battery, YES, he's an amazing battery if you play him well. If you suck with him, or screw up real bad, of course he's not gonna do it for you, but you should be switching out almost if not full on supers. At least four bars. You should be able to catch people with at least a couple idle hands even if you play poorly. Idle hands is the most meter building move in the game (it's no Magneto combo, but like I said, it's just one move). His corner combo starting with idle hands is like a free super because you build a meter doing the very few moves it takes to set up the super because of the idle hands. And coffin dropping's like a runaway Storm. If you do it right, you should have a good bit of meter built from it, but this way actually hits people! Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:24:2001 08:45 AM: Wow! Interesting stuff. I may have to go back and play BH/Doom/Anakaris. Here's a trick, starting from full screen distance, Doom on point with Anakaris-B: jump forward HP + Anak, cancel Fierce with airdash. Yep, that's it. Everyone blocks high because of the fierce laser, but you cancel the fierce laser and they get thrown instead. Feel free to follow that with a Photon Array, or whatever. And w/ Blackheart @ point: jumpback LP, call Anakaris while landing, Inferno. They jump, and the inferno brings them back to the ground, and into Anak's waiting arms. Again, follow with combo. Posted by Huma on 07:24:2001 06:40 PM: my favourite has to be pulling players out of a team super when they try to chip me or just be annoying... (one of my friends has a team super fetish) watching the other guys (guys) continuing their specials to no avail makes my day Posted by angelassassin on 07:25:2001 02:34 PM: playing anakaris can be real funny sometimes. iswear i was plying this one storm user and he did the lighting attack from full screen( not the super) i did i lp idle hands and grabbed her liitle ass outta that attack. it was so funny to see that guys face. its also funny when you grab someone out of a super that can kill you blocking of not. there they go thinking you'll block and take the chip damage but they get grabbed and you dont die...its also a free combo. i used to play anakaris/spiral/bh. one combo i used to do was... c.lp c.lp+spiral ground assist (c.lp hits twice) into elemental curse dash in luancher sj.lp sj.lp idle hands. its more of a corner combo but it can be done outta the corner...sometimes. i swear anakaris is sooo fun to play with. All times are GMT. The time now is 09:34 PM. 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